1. 한국ESG기준원(이하 KCGS)에서 제공하는 데이터 및 분석자료는 기업의 경영관행 개선 및 투자를 위한 정보제공을 목적으로 하는 것이며, 주식거래를 목적으로 하지 않습니다.
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5. KCGS의 데이터 및 분석자료를 무단 복제, 배포 등 저작권법에 위반하는 방법으로 사용할 경우 저작권법 제136조 등에 따라 형사처벌을 받을 수 있습니다.
1. The data and analysis provided by Korea Corporate Governance Service (KCGS) are solely for informational purposes intended to help improve corporate management practices and assist investment decisions. They do not represent the opinions on whether to buy, sell, or hold shares of a particular stock.
2. The data and analysis contained on this web page are based on public disclosures and reliable materials, and KCGS makes its utmost effort to remain impartial in an objective stance. There is an inevitable likelihood of having erroneous, missing, or outdated information. The reader of this website is responsible for any loss potentially arising from their investments based on the information provided by KCGS.
3. The entire data and analysis provided by KCGS are the copyright property of the agency. Any commercial use of the data and analysis in whole or in part - reproducing, transmitting, publishing, or redistributing them or via any other means - is subject to prior permission from KCGS. It is forbidden to illegally use or modify the copyright information without authorization.
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5. Any use of the KCGS data and analysis in breach of copyright laws, such as by reproducing or redistributing them without prior permission, is subject to criminal punishment under applicable laws, including Article 136 of the local Copyright Act.